Workbench Design
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Get´em User's Manual Get´em V 1.0
Last change on 3.9.1991 to Version 1.0
Internal Version 0.1 - 0.5
CHANGES from V0.5 to V0.6:
- Level-Loader was implemented.
So you can generate your own Levels with an ASCII-Editor.
The File is called 'GetemLevels' and is of following structure:
00000000000000 14 Rows, and 14 Columns.
70000000000000 0 is white Background.
07000303030300 1 is Quader
00700202020200 2 is Cross
00070101010100 3 is Pyramid
02027007020250 4 is Circle
03030700030300 5 is Sand
04040000040400 6 is Rowy
77777777777077 7 is Black box (Wall)
Do not insert the numbers 8 and 9 !
Then insert a blank line (CR), to seperate two Levels. After
the last one, you must NOT insert a blank line !
- No more digital Sound.
This was made because of speed. The play routine I used was bad.
It called a IFF-music player from RAM: and so on...
So now there is only the flashing screen and the BEEP.
I am trying to use BeginIO from Intuition to play music, but
this function was not yet implemented in Kickpascal !
But Jens gave me a new Includefile, so now comes the sound...
(Thanx Jens !)
- Less busy.
Now the game does not eat much IDLE Time !
I forgot to use the WaitMsg instead of GetMsg...
- New Outfit.
Ya ! New Gfx and better outfit. (Thanx to Massa and Medusa !)
B I G G E R Boxes for people using spectacles...
Smaler Window to move around.
Gadgets on the top.
CHANGES from V0.6 to V0.7:
- New Start-Routine.
When running in Multitasking System, it took very long time
to see anything of the game, so now the Window opens first,
and a small Window opens to show that the Level-File is loading.
If the Level-File can not be found, an Error-Message appears.
- Less Parameters.
Only ? and F are recognized. ? is Help. F (or f) stands for
FILE and means, that you can load the Level-File from anywhere, and
even some self-made Levels. The Default is 'Levels'.
As Kickpascal can not (not now) handle ARP, the parser was
written by myself.
- Named Levels.
Every Level can have a Name. The Name can have a length of 10
Chars. This name replace the empty line between the levels in the
Level-File. So we have a new structure in the Level-File. But if you
have no name, it doesn't matter. (Downward compatible)
New structure of Level-File:
1001 (of course allways 14 rows and 14 columns)
- New Gadget.
The Gadget Score will open/close a Window showing your Score in
last 10 Levels. The Score depends on time. The more Time the
less Score. (Score=60 / Time(s) * 1000). It is still not
possible to save/load the Score.
- Now possible to start from WB. Icon added.
CHANGES from V0.7 to V0.8:
- New Kickpascal now avail, so new Version of GETEM, too.
Instead of Includes, now UNITS (!) and Modules.
- Sound added. I found the Bug ! And I found a Loader for 8SVX-Sound
Files. (Module GETEMSOUND.M added)
- MousePointer for GETEM added.
- New Bug found.
If you use the Default-Workbench-Settings from CBM, you can't
read the Text in the Help-Window, because CBM only sets
60-Char-wide-Screen, and i use 80... And I won't fix this... :-)
- Much more Documentation added !
Internal Version V 0.9
CHANGES from V0.8 tp V 1.0
- New Outfit. Better looking Gfx. (A bit 3D-alike)
- Several Bugs fixed. (E.g. Workbench startup)
- New Icons drawn.
- Sampled some nice Sounds.
- Now tested on DOS 2.0 and on A3000. ( No Problems ! )
- Some Special Effects added.
- BusyMousePointer added.
- Approved Security checks.
- SoundPort re-arranged.
- LevelLoader fixed.
- Using Topaz8 as Font if SystemDefaultFont is bigger than 8 Pixels..
( A DOS 2.0 Problem ..)
Markus Illenseer. 3.9.1991